To empower women by creating awareness and education about basic hygiene practices thereby bringing about a life style change leading to a healthier living.
Project Highlights:
Project aimed at empowering women through awareness creation, training and bringing about a lifestyle change.
Creation of entrepreneurial opportunities for under privileged women thereby teaching them commercial & life skills such as administration, record keeping, book keeping etc.
Creating direct employment of 4 – 5 persons per machine installed.
Skill building for persons employed and thereby adding to the semi-skilled pool of the nation.
Creating possibilities of employing people who are physically and / or mentally challenged. Each Project (one machine ) installed will impact 7100 beneficiaries
Deliverables of Project Kalyani:
Better Health and Hygiene of rural women and adolescents leading to:-
- reduced school dropout rates for adolescents
- lowering of RTI rates among women and adolescents
- increase in productivity levels of women
- Sustainable business venture for Local SHG which will not only provide employment for them but also empower them as individuals